List of chat commands:

!next, !nextsong
Usage: !next
Marks the top-most request on the playlist as played, and displays the next request in the chat

!skip, !skipsong
Usage: !skip
Skips the top-most request on the playlist, and displays the next request in the chat

!viprequest, !vipsong, !vipsongrequest, !vsr, !vip
Usage: !viprequest <artist> - <song> [@username]
Add a VIP song request to the top of the playlist [and assign it to @username]

Usage: !requests <on/off/toggle>
Turn requests on or off

!addvip, !givevip
Usage: !addvip <username> [amount]
Add VIP tokens to a viewer

!request, !song, !songrequest, !sr
Usage: !request <artist> - <song>
Normal song request

!viprequest, !vipsong, !vipsongrequest, !vsr, !vip
Usage: !viprequest <artist> - <song>
Use VIP tokens to request a VIP song

!pos, !position
Usage: !pos
Displays your top-most request on the playlist

!current, !currentsong
Usage: !currentsong
Displays the currently playing request in chat

!playlist, !list, !songlist
Usage: !playlist
Displays a link to the full playlist

Usage: !setlist
Displays the current setlist

!edit, !editrequest, !editsong
Usage: !edit <artist> - <song>
Edits your top-most request on the playlist